Japanese standards when using perfume to prevent odor contamination?
Japanese standards when using perfume to prevent odor contamination? |
maybe that it causes scent Perfumes Synthetic , and materials chemical, existing in Cosmetics Beautification , and perfumes , and
detergents Synthetic , and softeners fabrics, gesticulate to that non Comforts And it affects on the health . |
in the years Last, And because Spread Products , self Properties , aromatic high, Receive Center the National , for affairs Consumer ,
in Japan , many from Inquiries Related These types odors causing environmental pollution , And it was there more big , in a way private in Inquiries Related , with scent Softeners Fabrics . |
maybe that it causes Symptoms, group miscellaneous from Problems health, like non Comforts , And headache , and symptoms Allergies . |
He suffers some People , from sensitive chemical , because of This is amazing Odor . |
Odor that You love her , may be no Be necessarily , enjoyable For others , |
Allergies Chemical:-
Indicates “ allergy .” chemical " , to Materials existing in Different Products , used in life daily, like Material Building, And lotions
cosmetics, And perfumes, And detergents synthetic, And softeners fabrics, And gases Car exhaust , And pesticides insecticide, Which
usually what be, problem interact Sensitively , with quantities from Materials chemical, that may be Be Harmful By human, And caused
Symptoms effect on the health like headache, dizziness , fatigue, heart attacks, And the feeling With weakness . |
And it varies Replies verb , in a way big , from person to another, And in some Sometimes may be Appear Symptoms suddenly . |
Bonus on that, did not Complete to set name Disease and its definition In a way complete , no Still Many from Aspects mechanism, like His reason, not Clear . |
But it must when Use Detergents synthetic, And softeners fabrics, And perfumes, gesticulate to that , To be careful on non Use quantities Excess . |
as He should abstain, on Use perfumes, And softeners fabrics, in the places the public , And facilities that A lot Use it . |
Be careful on , non spray Materials Repellent For insects , or Pesticides Insectivorous , in Region surrounding . |
when Use Pesticides Insectivorous , to annihilate Pests in your garden, or garden your home, Put in Your consideration direction
The wind that helps spread the smell And the weather To prevent pesticides, from Access to , Homes Neighboring . |
This is to preserve the environment from being polluted with odors.|
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