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Japanese standards when using perfume to prevent odor contamination?

Japanese standards when using perfume to prevent odor contamination?

Japanese standards when using perfume to prevent odor contamination?
Japanese standards when using perfume to prevent odor contamination?

maybe that it causes scent Perfumes Synthetic , and materials chemical, existing in Cosmetics Beautification , and perfumes , and

 detergents Synthetic , and softeners fabrics, gesticulate to that non Comforts And it affects on the health . |

in the years Last, And because Spread Products , self Properties , aromatic high, Receive Center the National , for affairs Consumer ,

 in Japan , many from Inquiries Related These types odors causing environmental pollution , And it was there more big , in a way private in Inquiries Related , with scent Softeners Fabrics . |

maybe that it causes Symptoms, group miscellaneous from Problems health, like non Comforts , And headache , and symptoms Allergies . |

He suffers some People , from sensitive chemical , because of This is amazing Odor . |

Odor that You love her , may be no Be necessarily , enjoyable For others , |

Allergies Chemical:-

Indicates “ allergy .” chemical " , to Materials existing in Different Products , used in life daily, like Material Building, And lotions

 cosmetics, And perfumes, And detergents synthetic, And softeners fabrics, And gases Car exhaust , And pesticides insecticide, Which

 usually what be, problem interact Sensitively , with quantities from Materials chemical, that may be Be Harmful By human, And caused

 Symptoms effect on the health like headache, dizziness , fatigue, heart attacks, And the feeling With weakness . |

And it varies Replies verb , in a way big , from person to another, And in some Sometimes may be Appear Symptoms suddenly . |

Bonus on that, did not Complete to set name Disease and its definition In a way complete , no Still Many from Aspects mechanism, like His reason, not Clear . |

But it must when Use Detergents synthetic, And softeners fabrics, And perfumes, gesticulate to that , To be careful on non Use quantities Excess . |

as He should abstain, on Use perfumes, And softeners fabrics, in the places the public , And facilities that A lot Use it . |

Be careful on , non spray Materials Repellent For insects , or Pesticides Insectivorous , in Region surrounding . |

when Use Pesticides Insectivorous , to annihilate Pests in your garden, or garden your home, Put in Your consideration direction

 The wind that helps spread the smell And the weather To prevent pesticides, from Access to , Homes Neighboring . |
This is to preserve the environment from being polluted with odors.|

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