How beautiful are Muslim women?
- The secret to maintaining freshness and beauty?
- Advice to Muslim women everywhere in the world:-
- I present to you some words scented with beauty that highlight the beauty of your appearance and your heart:
- You should know that:
- Nothing elevates a woman's status like chastity.|
- The best mirror for a woman is self-love.|
- The most beautiful rose of the lips is honesty.|
- The most beautiful scent for a Muslim woman is a good reputation.|
- My Muslim sister all over the world:
- For the beauty of your hair, use purity shampoo.|
- And know that the most beautiful thing that makes your voice soft and sweet is reciting the Holy Qur’an. |
- My Muslim sister who cares about her appearance and beauty:
- If your skin is oily, you must fast
- To beautify your eyes, use eyeliner to lower your gaze.|
- For the beauty of your mind, adorn yourself with culture and knowledge.|
- Maintain the beauty of your appearance by wearing modest clothing.|
- My Muslim sister, you must know that:
- Women were not created to be admired by all men.|
Rather, it will be a source of happiness for one man.|
All happy women are alike, but no one resembles an unhappy, bad woman.|
- A righteous woman is better for a man than his eyes and hands.|
- Do not build your happiness on the happiness of others, as selfishness cannot
preserve its happiness for more than mere moments.|
- The secret to maintaining beauty continues: -
- An elderly woman was asked: but she still maintained her beauty and freshness.|
- What is the secret to maintaining your beauty and freshness?
- She said:
- I use my lips for truth, my voice for prayer, my eyes for mercy, my hand for charity, my posture for uprightness, and I fill my heart with love for all people.,|
- Preserving beauty :-
- Maintain your dignity, it is the only thing that may not return.|
- And know that a woman’s mind is half her beauty. The wise woman is the one who guards her tongue. Always accustom it to the truth and you will be safe from evil.|
- A real woman is the one who can create beauty in a man's heart, even if she is not beautiful.|
- The greatest woman is the one who teaches us: how to love while we hate and how to laugh while we cry.|
- If you choose a friend, befriend someone who is modest, chaste, and generous: modesty prevents her from departing from religion and morals. |
- Chastity: protects her from greed for the rights of others. |
- Generosity makes her generous, generous to the needy and not stingy with herself or others.|
“And these are the characteristics of a perfect believer.”