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Beware of toxic perfume ?

Beware of toxic perfume ?

Beware of toxic perfume ?usful articale Beware of toxic perfume ?
Beware of toxic perfume ?

Toxic perfumes

What is the issue of toxic perfumes?

A myth revolves around perfumes in five countries that fall for the hoax of toxic perfumes.. |

Rumors Products Phantom Sweeping Face Book .. |spread in Algeria And the Emirates And Saudi Arabia And Egypt And Jordan And it's over to no something ..

no There is cases infection or Death,|

Perfume killer spread out in markets, And he kills in Duration 3 days in Status Use it , warning I released it Ministry Supply in statement she has , Claim Citizens With caution The extreme in Use this Perfume or buy it, Follow it Campaigns from Ministries on Different Pharmacies And he intervened from Ministry the health certainly , that it no health for every what He hesitates on Existence any condition Infected Puppies Use Perfume Toxic The favor Basim Perfume Relax after Spread Rumors Promote that it He causes Death after 3 days from Use it . |

the beginning from Algeria :-

beginning Spread the news did not It is not from Egypt , But He was from Algeria , from during news I posted it number from Locations And newspapers The algerian And lineage For a ministry Defense The algerian , Warn from Trade Perfume His name is " Relax " Pointing out to that it may be Lead to death Sudden after a period from Use it . |

She said Algerian newspaper " Al-Khabar " , that Mission Military It was completed Leaking it directed from side Military The first In Blida to Directorate Regionalization For interests the health Military under No. 8331 dated August 15, 2017 , I confirmed that Perfume the killer It was completed Discover it By number from Countries Arabic , And I mentioned Some of them like Egypt And Iraq And Kuwait And Bahrain And Lebanon And Sudan . |

And it reported Ministry Defense The algerian that Analysis that conducted on perfume, proved, after Subjugate Users for him For examinations medical , that it Sam and that Its symptoms no Appear directly after Use it, but rather she has effect late may be extends To 3 or 4 days after sprinkle . |

Statement attributed For a ministry Defense The algerian Statement attributed For a ministry Defense Algerian .|

the news in Locations The algerian It spread very quickly.|

the stranger that this the news that It was completed bulletin since around Month in Locations The algerian Follow it advertisement Ministry commerce in Algeria that results Investigations Primary Concerning “ perfume .” “ Toxic, ” she revealed " non Existence this the product in market The algerian " , unless that it in the time Himself I confirmed that Investigation still Continuing on that Publish Its results ” in the time appropriate .” |

She said Ministry, in Statement : “ Accordingly For information Traded in some Channels TV Arabic And networks communication Social on Existence Danger Output on use Perfume He carries Brand Rolaxy And Marketer in some the countries Arabic like Egypt And Morocco And Yemen .. |

She got up Ministry commerce Open investigation To be sure from health This is amazing Information ". |

Ministry commerce Algeria Emphasizes non Existence Perfume Ministry commerce Algeria Emphasizes non Existence Perfume .|

Ministry commerce The algerian did not You find the product And why? You can from Analyze it .|

He pointed out Statement , that I posted it an agency News Algerian " waj " to that Ministry " learn all Citizens Ban import Perfumes submit For a license Advance to receive from party its interests, where did not Complete delivery any license For this Tag ". |

And why? Attachment Ministry on the news the first that to publish in Newspapers The algerian , And which Benefit With existence this Perfume Toxic And the warning from Use it . |

Common Move to Egypt And ministries Moving
from Algeria to Egypt , he moved the news , And it spread on Sites communication Social , With the same Mechanism , And he followed it data that Issued from My ministry Supply And health , And also council Ministers , And despite warning Ministry Supply unless that Perfume mentioned did not Skips Develop Publishing about him And

 about its name Without reach to any Package For this the product , until after all Campaigns that She got up With it Ministry Supply in Different Pharmacies , And also after Claim Ministry the health Citizens Connection And reporting in Status buying any citizen For this Perfume , Confirmed that it did not He reaches her any condition Infected a result Use this Perfume . |

The UAE Purified Existence the product Aromatic in Its markets :-

in the time Himself She denied Two countries The UAE And Jordan, Existence this Perfume in Its markets , or Existence any cases infection a result Use it . |

And therefore we Before Perfume hidden not Existing in any market from Markets Countries Arabic that He hit her the horror because of him , And also no There is any condition Infected a result Use it , And all what It was completed Trade it about him merely Posts on Sites communication Social Especial " Elvis Book " , And news in some Newspapers And the sites .
what Previously Indicates to Probability that Rolex perfume​ or relax " , what he unless merely Common , |

Spreaded Like fire in Wildfire in Four Countries Arabic , Without Existence Basis TRUE she has . |

Relax not Perfume The first ... is a rumor Lovely perfume​ lovely " The poisonous one Spreaded since Years

gesticulate He increases from This is amazing Probability , he that legend Perfume Toxic And the killer did not Be The first from Its type , And relax also did not It is not the first , But same common, With the same the details Spreaded since around year in Egypt , and since more From 3 years in Countries Arabic , with difference name Perfume For Lovely​ lovely ".
With the same breath Mechanism mushroom news Existence Perfume Sam in number from Countries Arabic , she Saudi Arabia And Egypt And the Emirates And Jordan , its name Lovely , And it causes Death in Within 3 days in Status Use it , where to publish the

aa news on Sites one Channels Arabic , Follow it news in Newspaper Sunrise The algerian I warned Nah association protection Consumer there from use any Perfume It contains on Subject Lethal that It is called " metanyl " , and he alcohol artificial Forbidden Use it Globally in Perfumes Lead to Death, or Poisoning . |

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