What are orchid flowers?
Do benefits Flowers Orchid Pinned Scientifically?
Flowers Orchid from the plants Flowering Disseminated in all Around the world , that Available Of which groups miscellaneous And different from where the size , and shape , and colors Brightly
for its flowers; what Makes it considered as from Most important plants Decorations around the world , that It is planted in Regions Tropical , and in mountains alpine, but Some He uses it in the field
Medical As herbs or Drugs miscellaneous , as are used sometimes as food, And it has its importance Cultural And historical For some The peoples . |
what she Flowers Orchid?
considered as plants Orchid Larger family vegetarian; so Includes Approximately 25,000-35,000 species from flowers, And it counts
Studies around Its characteristics Medical Few relatively Although from Use it In a way wide in the field medical, And belief With its benefits Miscellaneous
, so He was Chinese first from Plant it since time far It arrives To 3000-4000 years ago
, And it was Species several Of which are used In a way routine in Medicine Chinese traditional, as are used In abundance also in Countries east Asia ; like south China , and Sri Lanka Japan, to side
Countries Another like America And Mexico . |
considered as Flowers Orchid from more Species Flowers
Disseminated around the world , Which from the plants mono cotyledon, It was completed deriving Her name from Word Greek " orch I s ";
As a signal to appearance Tubers radical that Looks like Testicle . |
Referred to that Orchid from the plants The floor Perennial or Associated With plants Another To grow on its roots, she has cover root spongy He works on absorption water from Air Ocean he is called Filamin . |
Most Species Orchid Manufactured Her food by herself , While Live Some of them on Materials Organic dead, as Different plants Orchid on Species the plant The other .|
With characteristics Structural Associated With flower, And it varies also from where Properties the other; like Blocks pills the vaccine ,
and seeds Small without Endospermia . |
maybe a description Orchid That she is plants Herbal small ; unless that Some of them may be Formed vines And shrubs small, as Different from where the size ; Some of them no He increases Its
diameter about 2 mm, While It arrives Length Flowers Brassia The big one to 38 cm, and this is Diversity in Its shapes And their sizes And its installation Due to difference Methods Pollination . |
as Is characterized by Orchid also With its diversity environmental; so considered as plants Tropical in The place the first ; unless that Some of them He lives in Regions The moderate one . |
Do benefits Flowers Orchid Pinned Scientifically?
the truth did not Complete Subjugate This is amazing Products For tests Effectiveness And safety that You spend Put it down in
framework Treatments herbal, It is considered Use it according to opinion Experts As a worker assistant For some Cases Just , and that Eat it It is considered As Medicine imaginary; because Medicine Chinese Traditional He depends in the beginning on protection more
from treatment , as He depends on following Systems Healthy To prevent the disease before Thinking in Methods treatment; So Complete situation This is amazing Products in framework Food In a way Larger ; Due because some people, Especially Senior Age ,
Prefer Eat Food on Eat Treatments Medical, And with that The Use it And marketing she has As products medical common very in Medicine Chinese Traditional . |
maybe Saying that benefits Orchid not Pinned In a way scientific precise , because of loss Studies Related about it, as that Studies existing Lacking to to be sure the components minute And quantities
Recommended With it, addition to Her lack to the information Related With safety And interactions with pharmaceutical Herbal the other, Although from Existence studies tray You point to that plants
Orchid progress Benefits Multiple for the body; So Complete Use group big Of which in Medicine Chinese traditional; because of Activity Biological For its components And contain it on Alkali, Which phrase on Molecules Nitrogenous membership not
Homogeneous she has Effects Pharmacological on Humans And animals the other; So Possibly that He is she has benefits medical when It consumes it Human . |
Do Different benefits flower Orchid Differently Her type?
the truth Yes Although from similarity Many Of which in Its benefits; unless that the benefits Different according to species, as Different the benefits Differently Parts used . here We'll talk on Most
important Species And its uses in Domains Medical Accordingly For studies did not Complete to be sure Its safety And its effectiveness :
plants something :-
plants He lives on rocks He knew since Year 200 BC . M to Year 200 B. M no Still Uses In abundance in fields miscellaneous ; And for treatment group Different from diseases; Of which the mom Stomach And disability Sexual And sweating The night And strengthen
kidney, as Uses In a way common in Medicine Chinese To increase Humidity And softness in the body , to side Use it in treatment some Diseases And Syndromes Related In short Yin in Kidney And the stomach and lung, like fever And thirst And inflammation Stomach Atrophic And redness the tongue . |
It is considered something like from plants Orchid that Grow in Europe , Specifically in carrots British , as It grows in the East Middle And west And north Asia And west Africa, and he phrase on
plants herbal Senior It grows Longitudinally An average of 25-40 cm in Different Species the soil , It is forming Root it from Two tubers Two rounds And its legs Green in Al-Qaeda Purple in Top .|
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