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what she Stranger Habits beauty in this the world ?

what she Stranger Habits beauty in this the world ?

what she Stranger Habits beauty in this the world ? what she Stranger Habits beauty in this the world ?

what she Stranger Habits beauty in this the world ?

Standards beauty around the world
Different Standards beauty around the world , And it is known By

 being Not divorced , or fixed; So it changes from place To another And from time to another, And from traditions Customs of one country to another . |

but in this the world There is beauty strange , painful , It is scary, and requires difficulty to obtain it . |
what she Stranger Habits Related With beauty in this the world ?

- The shoe restricted growth Feet :-

Get famous in China between families By custom from more Norms beauty Pain And hurt And distortion, and he The shoe restricted Feet . |

It is Signs beauty in China she : Foot small, And to guarantee Families beauty Their daughters And marry them off They stay up With restriction Their feet from during shoes It is forbidden Its growth They are weak in age Small . |

- Dishes Lips :-

in some the countries African And countries river Amazon get up Its people, especially Women who are they With rain Their lips on road :

 situation Dish in lip Supreme , or Lower or Both . |
Weight the plate And its size may be They cause Pain Big For a

 friend lip carrier, but no It matters that in countries considered as this Custom he : sign from Signs beauty . |

in most Countries river Amazon get up Women By putting the plate during ritual their marriage, And in Africa It requires Stretch lip Lower Removal the teeth front, And she points some Sources that size the plate he : Signal For the case Social And economic To the bearer . |

- the teeth Italics And the crooked one :-

Try Most People in most countries the world Get on teeth straight, And a smile Perfect . |
A lot from the people They spend Money It's huge from Okay teeth

 Monolith , and on integrity One . |
but what It is happening in Japan Munaf So completely . |
So basically beauty They have she : teeth Crooked , and italic, And they divorce on her name ... Yaeba ... And he believes General The

 people , Japanese that from He owns Our teeth Crooked , He is His view The most beautiful , So They go when doctor the teeth not To straighten Their teeth but rather To make it italic, It is She was His teeth on integrity one get up By making it Crooked . |

Scars :​

in Guinea New, And number from the countries African considered as Scars decoration with regards for women , so Fill up Their faces With it in a way Artistic . 
as get up Men With the same The command during Celebrations , and rituals Private . |

And she points This is amazing Scars to beauty the person And good His texture . |

- the neck Long :-

in Sunday villages Burma Named ... village Women Giraffes... Put woman in Her neck Bracelets , and episodes until Look Her neck long very . |

where that it in This is amazing the village Her friend the neck The tallest she : most Beautiful . |

And according For stories And myths Popularity Private With them The That Episodes Protect Women from Tigers . |
Obtain The baby girl Small on I shaved it The first Which in 5 years

 old almost , And gradually start in Wear Episodes other, and he Command care with it Women there when in it from appearance beauty their And for their girls . |

- women Apatani :-

Live tribe Apatani in one Valleys north east India , And it is described women Apatani That they are Most Beautiful between women tribes other; So He was On them that They protect Their

 village from Invaders on road make themselves more Ugly Than They on him , And that on road , situation Earplugs Wooden big in Slots Their noses . |

" Useful article"

What is the importance of aloe vera oil for hair?

What is the importance of aloe vera oil for hair?

What is the importance of aloe vera oil for hair?
What is the importance of aloe vera oil for hair?

Aloe vera oil and hair beauty

Prepare oil Aloe vera rich With acids Amino , and vitamins, And minerals the mission for hair, Which help in Strengthen His growth ,
 and fight His fall . |

this Means that there benefits For oil Aloe vera in Fight baldness, where Helps Use it in Strengthen turn life Follicles the hair , and stages His growth different .|

benefits oil Aloe vera For baldness And poetry
Prepare oil Aloe vera from Species Oils spread And used In

 abundance Especially To treat problems the hair ,
oil Aloe vera Prepare from more Species Oils used for hair, He is

 Excellent With its characteristics Moisturizing And the blessing, but Do benefits oil Aloe vera For baldness And poetry .|

benefits oil Aloe vera :-

Prepare oil Aloe vera rich With acids Amino , and vitamins , and minerals the mission for hair, Which help in Strengthen His growth, And fight His fall . |

this Means that there benefits For oil Aloe vera in Fight baldness, where Helps Use it in Strengthen turn life Follicles the hair , And

 stages His growth different . |
It stems benefits oil Aloe vera For baldness And poetry also from

 turn in practical feed Scalp Head , and extend it With ingredients that you need it, The most important of them vitamin e . |

and that oil Aloe vera Excellent With its characteristics Anti For inflammation , which Prepare a task And useful For health Scalp Head . |

from Most important benefits oil Aloe vera For hair that it He works on Smooth it out , and moisturize it, To work completely like Balm the hair . |

And it helps Use oil Aloe vera in imprisonment Liquids inside the hair To preserve on Its humidity Without that Leave any Effect For hair Full With oil . |
that Use oil Aloe vera For hair Helps By feeding him And that

 because of Value Food that It contains it . |
where that this the oil rich With all from vitamin C , and vitamin a , and vitamin e And a group vitamin B , In addition to group from

 Acids Amino , and minerals Helpful For hair . |
benefits oil Aloe vera The other

from the benefits The other that Return from Use this Oil including : -

Reducing from problem Shell Scalp Head . |
Reducing from Parties the hair Split . |
Strengthening the hair As a whole .

oil Aloe vera And oil Aloe Vera : What? the difference ?

in a lot from Sometimes And at the talk on oil Aloe vera Believes People that What is meant? he oil aloe vera, unless They are They differ on each other Some . |

so that oil Aloe vera Complete Extract it from Species Different from plants Aloe vera Such as The patient , in when that oil Aloe vera

 extract from Plant Aloe vera Herself . |
And it excels oil Aloe vera With some Properties , Which It is

  represented in : -

Aloe vera oil is prepared rich With vitamin e . |
Owns features counter For oxidation . |
It contains on Many from Acids Fatty . |
It contains oil Aloe vera on The beta Carotene . |
Prepare rich With proteins . |
Importance oil Aloe vera in Fight Baldness .|

that it when the talk on benefits oil Aloe vera for baldness, Believes Many that This is amazing Benefit linked With oil Aloe vera Specifically, but Do she has benefits in this the field truly ?

Prepare Plant Aloe vera or jelly Aloe vera from more the plants used in treatment problem falling the hair , He urged him on the growth from the new . |

where Complete Use oil Aloe vera To promote health Scalp Head , and preservation on degree Acidity In which , And therefore

 incentivize growth the hair from new , And the limit from falling, this from Like him that He protects you from injury With a problem Baldness . |

road a job oil Aloe Vera :-

To you road a job oil Aloe vera in the home To facilitate practical Use it And enjoy With benefits oil Aloe vera For hair care.|
Bring paper from Plant Aloe vera And a cup from oil walnut India . |

Get up With peeling paper Aloe vera from Okay Extract Jelly existing inside it . |
Put Jelly Potted And add on him oil walnut India then judge Close it . |

keep in this The bowl In a place dark And far away on rays the sun For a period two months almost . |
Get up Filter Pieces that no Still present , And use the oil The resulting about her . |

Useful article

What are the secrets and methods of aging perfume?

What are the secrets and methods of aging perfume?

What are the secrets and methods of aging perfume?
What are the secrets and methods of aging perfume?

1- His way Aging Perfume in place dark .|
And after installation Perfume We rise Cum in place dark far on the light , in condition He was Perfume It was completed Install it from

 alcohol industrial Methanol Removed The smell.| in This is amazing the condition get up By leaving him from week to Month Away on the light , with Science that this Type from Alcohol harmful For

 human , and others security And it causes I get sick in condition Use it Direct on Skin . |

2- His way Aging Perfume in fabric wool .|
after installation The bottle With alcohol Medical Ethyl Removed Odor And with him Sticky glycerin, or Sandalwood , and it is

 considered Installer not to install the oil Aromatic as Know everyone , But because Alcohol the user in Perfumes Flying In a way fast And it is used Installer poultice Greasy Prevent Alcohol from

 Volatility , and after installation The bottle We rise By putting it inside His cloth from Wool , and wrapped it in a way Good , and left it For a while Month until Complete homogeneity Perfume with

 Alcohol with Installer in place dark far on the light then We rise By use directly . |
3- His way Aging Perfume on road Flipping Continuous .|

after installation Perfume in a way correct , and knowledge Pedigree installation Perfumes In milli We rise By putting Perfume in bottle court Closing He is Its color dark, or Package Aluminum Put In

 which Install it Perfume then get up tower Perfume in The bottle Daily For a while five minutes For a while seven days , Which court Closing until Complete Homogeneity completely , And whenever It

 took a long time Duration He was better in Aging Perfume then We rise By use , and left it in same Play it or fill what Equivalent 10 ml

 spray from size The bottle You use it then get up Returns The mixture as she in The bottle Her place . |
Second : device Aging Perfumes , and types Devices.|

1 - His way Aging Perfume on road the device Magnet .|
device Aging Perfumes Flipping With magnets .|
after installation Perfume in a way correct We rise By putting Perfume inside bottle .|
Come with device Stirring Perfume then We leave mixture For

 homogeneity Duration: 48 hours .|
until Complete homogeneity the oil Aromatic with Alcohol then We

 rise Cum inside Package Aluminum court Closing then Leave it For a while Forty One day then We rise By stirring it Every 10 days For 3 minutes then we open Play it For 10 seconds then We rise By

 closing it , and left it Once second then after Duration mentioned We rise By filling Perfume , then the use Direct.|
And this method from better Methods Aging Perfume in a way correct . |

2- Device Aging Perfumes With waves above Acoustic .|
He hates it this the device from Devices Excellent in Stirring And mix Perfumes.| Than Give Perfume homogeneity Middle finger any

 that Perfume Give Fuhan , and stability harmonic Meaning that Perfume maybe that He is His stability For a while long , and not

 there Fuhan For perfume And vice versa maybe that It is happening Then Use this the device Give Texture correct For perfume And you

 find The two scents , and stability in time One .|
We get to know on name And specifications this the device . |
device Sonicator used Waves Above Voice ..
To work Oscillations And to him Uses Of which

Melt it Impurities The stuck on Roofs Metals .|
Diyadah solubility And mixing between Liquids
the goal he solubility, And homogeneity ,|

and he also Uses in Melt it Plankton And impurities from Roofs Metals Complete situation piece Metal in liquid , and then Complete employment the device So she gets up Waves Above Acoustic By

 melting it Impurities , and disintegrate it inside Questioner .|
And so He is an idea a job the device Melting And Diyadah Vitrification .|

And it is done Use it in Trends And fields many .|
And there also Type last But Its price high You control in power Waves Ultrasonic By putting Prob prop "column " inside Liquids To mix it

And this the operation giving birth heat .|
And there Prepare it Provided With a heater , and flipper Magnetic ,

 To speed up Operations Homogeneity And melting .|
And all that To configure Links high school between Installer , and

 alcohol, And perfumes To complete Operations Homogeneity , and he what Known By aging .|

any that the device Helps in acceleration Operations Homogeneity And aging .|
Third : aging Perfumes in The refrigerator .|

Perfumes that Complete Put it down in Fridge she Oils nature that

 Complete Extract it from The things natural, until Preserve on Texture the oil , and not Spoil it But Oils The vehicle that Complete Mix it up with Alcohol Van Put it down in grades cooling Spoil

 Texture Perfume , and makes it not homogeneous I no I advise never By putting situation Perfume in Fridge For aging .|
Fourth : Benefits Aging Perfumes.|
Aging Perfumes Makes Perfume He appears In a way good And

 makes Perfume harmonic in Al-Fouhan, And consistency , and makes Mix excellent , and gives Odor Fuhan And stability It lasts

 For a while long .|
Fifth : Time Aging Perfume And less Duration Aging Perfumes .|

time Aging Perfumes He depends on The way that It was completed installation Perfume With it And it depends also to set less Duration To age Perfumes on According to road mix up Perfume what is Type

 Alcohol The modernist in Perfumes So it is considered less Duration she A week , or more Duration she From 40 days to two months .|
Sixth : His method Aging Perfumes Installation in a way True .|

You could that get up With confusion And it gets old bottle Perfume Matching For the original And it is Perfume A native With the same

 Roads that Remind her in Roads The previous one .|
He should upon you when Use Methods Aging Perfumes To use Commercial that Consider Duration Aging perfume, And after that

 Leave it in bottle Perfume The special With it in place dark far on The light until Complete Homogeneity In a way correct . |
Aging Perfumes It is considered from The things Inspiration in order

 to He appears Perfume when the use .|
You will find that stability Perfume And fragrant Perfume had become excellent , and this is Makes Perfume like the original completely .|

usful articale