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What are plants ? Medical And aromatic ?

What are plants ? Medical And aromatic ?

What are plants ? Medical And aromatic ?
What are plants ? Medical And aromatic ?

the plants Medical And aromatic she Crops Agricultural not Traditional . |

And there is About 3000 species Of which It grows Priya in valley Nile And in the desert Eastern And Western And Sinai ,|
And the planter Of which It arrives to more Of 70 species ,

And it is planted specially For purposes Industrial . |
And used This is amazing the plants As for By drying or extraction Oils Of which . |

And space Cultivated now in Egypt You can About .
From 55 thousand acre And it increases continuously And in recent

 decades Back interest worldwide wide . |
With cultivation the plants Medical And aromatic to be used . |
or Use parts Of which to get on Its oils Aromatic that to intervene in installation Many .

from Vehicles Industrial As an alternative For a number from :

Lotions Chemical The spread . |
And it is distinguished Egypt With existence number big And diverse from the plants Medical . |

And aromatic And act Focused Prestigious between Exports Egyptian Especially to Europe where It increases Turnout on Use the

 plants Medical . And herbs in treatment . |
And take the plants Medical Aromatic Its importance from during Uses . |

Many she has in Industry like :

Industries Food As gains Natural For flavour .
And materials Portfolio Natural
And industry pharmaceutical from Different Species pharmaceutical

 ,like Drop For the eye , And paints . And others . |
industry Cosmetics Beautification Example : shampoos , generous , Oils . And others . |

industry Perfumes Of all kinds . |
Industries Chemical like Soap , perfumed the weather And pesticides​ Insect ... and others . |
And he arrives price Kilo gram from Oils Aromatic . |
to three Thousands from Pounds So He should making sure from Its quality . |

And not He cheated on her , And determines Its price Factors a lot
The most important of them Availability trust in the product , And make sure from Controls And restrictions And censorship on :
This is amazing Products then Availability Saucepan Adequate from
the exams Analytical Occasion whether With tests Natural or
 Chemical or Sensual .

And it is considered Water Aromatic Which Sunday Output Oils Aromatic . |

during Extract it from Oldest Products Aromatic . |
since Ancients Egyptians And even Ages The middle one
hich Emulsions Aqua And solutions Aqua Nice

Saturated With oils The plane . |
And usually what used As a gain For flavour like water Roses or water Dice . |
or water Mint And others , And for her also characteristics

 Therapeutic Distinctive . |
Bezel the need to Accommodation The project
It stems Importance Oils Aromatic And medical in Egypt
when she has from reputation Good And put economic Important currently And in the future , She is occupy Focused Prestigious

 maybe Expansion in area Exports . |
Ad I have Occupied Egypt Center the first in production Paste Jasmine . |

around About 8 tons from sentence production the world . |
that It is 14:12 tons Annually , the next plants Stumbling then Chamomile that Complete Export quantities big from him where

 occupy Germany Center the first . |
in import This is amazing the plants And its oils Aromatic . |
And occupy Egypt Center the fourth Globally in
sum exports Oils Aromatic . |
And medical Globally where precedes it India that occupy Center the first . |

in Countries Supplied in the world , Next all from China And the Netherlands And Morocco And Yugoslavia . |
And Spain And Iran And Poland Therefore The industry Oils

 Medical And aromatic she :
industry Promising when You earn it Egypt from reputation Kind Distinctive . |

And so It is considered this the product from Products Self Advantage Competitiveness also For availability Subject Raw And experience in extraction Oils For sector big .

from My producer This is amazing the plants . |
ex ports Egypt And its imports Numbers In millions 1999-2001
exports Egypt And its imports

Third : Raw materials :

Available Raw materials from plants And herbs medical And crops maybe extraction Its oils Aromatic In a way good in Egypt , And it increases now Spaces the earth The farm With this Crops . |

in order to meet needs Local And global now .
And most important This is amazing the plants she :

the plants And herbs Medical And the plants Aromatic
Products Due For contrast The extreme in installation Oils Aromatic different . |

It is He should Get on her from plants different ,
And in ways suits nature all plants And quality Oils Aromatic . |
with it And his percentage And a degree His sensitivity For heat And
 its uses . |
Therefore The combination Oils Aromatic Resulting Different . |

Depending For nature all plants And its specifications Natural ,
But in all Cases The the product from Oils Aromatic he project Important And severe Allergies And it must Take care with it In a way good , and that He is Empty from Sediments Alien And empty from Metals . |

Toxic And materials not Heterogeneous .
Therefore to use This is amazing Oils in Industries Important And accurate . |

like Industries Pharmacokinetics Perfumes and lotions Beautification . |
And industries Food . |

And given For importance And dangerous Use This is amazing Products .
Lost issued Commission Egyptian the public For unification Measurement .

Specifications standard To knock to examine Oils Aromatic .
No. 688 which Emphasizes on Importance the exams

on the product Final The most important of which are :

the exams Chemical ( estimate number The curtains And number Acidity . |
the exams Natural : appreciation the weight Qualitative , ?
appreciation Density Virtual , appreciation Factor Refraction , appreciation Dissolution in Alcohol . |

Elements Artistic For the project
1- Stages Manufacturing
take practical manufacturing Oils Aromatic And medical

And extract it from the plants '
several Phase The most important of them are :

stage The first : -

Complete cleaning the plants Medical And aromatic or Seeds or The fruits Cleaning well .

from Dust And insects And plants Alien
that may be There are with the plants The original . |
And all Species Impurities The other .
And it must that Be the plants Dhu scent And color Natural And

 intact And empty .
from Agglomeration And rot .
And it's done practical Cleaning By sorting .
And purification then the laundry With water The current one then filtering Water . |

stage the second : -

phase Preparation
Complete to equip the plants As for By dividing it to parts or By

 cutting it .
to Slices if She was big the size ,
as maybe Chopping Branches Wooden to Slices Thin .
or Chop or You crunch To cut Small . Example : plant Lemon ,
Olives , Orange ,
stage Third : -

It is placed the plants Especially Parts Private With flowers ?

And the papers And herbs And branches Small directly .
in device extraction Oils , As for Parts The other .
Which It was completed Grind it And chop it And crush it
Which Parts The big one
So it is placed beore practical Extraction in refrigerator And under

 degree heat .
20ºC​​ For a period Two days or three then to intervene directly .
practical Extraction Which Frozen ,
And this the operation Preserve on the components as she And in a state Good .
Such as : plants Roses , Mint , Basil .

stage Fourth : -

considered as practical distillation Step the basic And important .
in extraction Oils Medical And aromatic ,
And divided practical distillation To 3 types Basic And it depends that .

on Type the plant And his sensitivity And bear it For heat .
1 – Distillation With water

And used This is amazing method For plants Medical And aromatic ?

that Bear degree heat higher a little From 100 º m ,
Which degree boiling water .
Like a plant Olives , Almonds , Hazelnut ,
2 – Distillation With steam Others direct
Proportionate This is amazing method with the plants Content on oils Aromatic .
no Bear to rise degree the heat About 100 ºC​
And in it Pass Steam Born .
Outside the device in water in a way not directly .
like plants Roses , Basil , Mint ,
3 – Distillation With steam direct
Proportionate This is amazing method For plants Fresh Others Dried .
And it is used In which Steam By passing it directly

on the plants To extract Its oils . 

device distillation
And It becomes clear from Nah Possibility Use same the device For distillation .

Depending For a type the plants Required
extraction Its oils And that It changes road the job

As for using water directly . |
or With a pass Steam inside water or using
Steam directly on the plants . |

road employment device Distillation : -

1- Components the device
Basket from Wire : steel that no " rust "

on appearance Cylinder .
a pot Cylindrical Double Walls Make from Steel that no It rusts . |
Provider With a hole Bottom To filter Water after an end practical Distillation . |

And a slot Sideways Alia Sticky on her capacitor that Receive Oils .
sources To heat As for With water Hot inside The bowl , or With a source To enter Steam Direct from source external inside Water . |
or source For steam on his own directly on the plants existing in The basket inside The bowl . |

source To enter water The cold To help capacitor on performance His mission . |

in Intensification Oils And a slot To exit water Cooling . |
a pot To receive Oils And separate it on Water
pump Sharing Capacitor re Distillation water distillation The resulting To extract . |

all Oils existing .
the lid Make from same Raw materials the factory Of which The bowl . |

And provider With a thermometer To measure degree the heat And a bottle statement And scale For pressure .
2- Method employment device Distillation :
Fill up The basket the wire With plants Required Get on Its oils the

 pilot .
Complete close cover lonliness Distillation .
in condition distillation With water or Steam not Direct .
Complete supply the device With water L
in condition distillation With steam Others direct no It is necessary

 Existence water . |
He carries Steam The rarefied one For parts Vegetarianism the oil the pilot . |
And it is done Intensify them inside capacitor .
Considerate always that He is slot Steam Proportionate Directly with Ability .

capacitor in which no It leaks Fumes without
Intensification He should unless Transgress degree heat .
water Cooling the outside from Condenser 30ºC​​
account the time Necessary With experience .
where for every amount Certain from plants specific time specific It

 is enough to get .
on the oil the pilot existing .
Treating waters distillation Resulting Once Other to The bowl For

 the extraction .
all the oil Possible Weddle on that the color Integrated with Water .
He should that Be all Links court Closing And also with regards For the condenser . |

capacity the device 50 litres , 25 kg plants .
2- Space And the location
It is necessary For the project space You can About 150 m2 including​ Administration And a store Products And equipment Employment . |

3- Supplies SOA Required :
Electricity 600 pounds monthly
Water 150 pounds monthly

4 - Machines And equipment And equipment :
Machines And equipment And equipment
5 - Need The project from Raw materials in today the one :
Need The project from Raw materials in today the one
Total Cost Raw materials Monthly
=1175 x 25 = 29375 pounds Egypt .

6- Drawing Schematic For a site The project :
The drawing Schematic For a site The project
7- Labor :

number Shifts : 1
number hours Work : 8 hours

8 - Products The project :
products The project
9- Packing And packaging :
He prefers that Get packed Oils Resulting in Packages Glass .

Differently Shapes And sizes or Packages from Raw materials ?

no interact with Oils The plane ,
And also He should that Be bleak the color And for her cover tight Helps .
on retention With oils plane ,
And from Worthy By mentioning that Packing For export In

 quantities big Differs .
A difference Big on the use the local in Bottles Small the size .
Therefore The Packages The big one
He should that Be Self specifications Good
And be from Species from Raw materials .

that no interact with Oils The plane like Steel that no It rusts .
And some Species Plastic Allocated For packaging Chemical Installation ,
Which Be court In a way no Allow With leakage Humidity to her .

10 - Elements the quality :

Use plants Natural Good , Planted in a way Empty .
from pollution With fertilizers Chemical .
that Be the plants Clean And selected well ,
no There is With it Impurities or plants Intruder And empty .
from injury With insects And diseases .
unless Say less rate the oil the pilot With it About 3%.
no Increase rate Humidity About 10%.
Use road distillation without addition .
any Material Industrial for help .
control Flour in grades the heat inside a pot Distillation .
Depending For a type all plants to get on better extraction For oils

 Pure .
control in water Cooling in which no It exceeds .
degree heat water Cooling the outside .
from capacitor Degree 30 ° C.​
11 - Marketing :
Oils Medical And aromatic from Products .
that she has to request big local .
And my world Therefore The Marketing it on road the factory Himself .
or Exhibitions Specialized And contracts Will be Easy .

And available For the destinations The following :

Export To the outside
Merchants Sentence

People ( shops). Super brand names , grocery shop , Perfumes , .
feed Factories Differently Its types

Factories Industries Food As a hibernation For taste And the smell .
Factories Medicines .
Factories Perfumes And tools Decorations .
Factories Chemicals , soap , perfumed Traction , .

12- Requirements Health And environmental

Requirements General :

Commitment By means Protection different For workers .
training The worlds on Plans Extinguishing different .

insurance Wires And sources electricity And review it .
making sure from levels Lighting Occasion .
Commitment And review laws the job International Maamoul With it .
Existence network waters And spend healthy .
Requirements especially

situation System Lets non Existence Exhausts Production after Manufacturing .

Considerate Use plants Empty from Pollutants And other Harmful In the environment .
Considerate Use Material not Harmful Influential on health Human .
cleanliness Place And not existence any source For fires To exist .
oils plane in Place .

Consideration Use Raw materials For packing And packaging
maybe re Rotate it While after .

the reviewer :
on studies box Social For projects Small
