- How do people welcome each other??
How does the welcome represent an image of what is inside their minds ...
the topic :
Greeting people is an image of people's conscience A good relationship between friends and acquaintances, and a good means of communication, rapprochement, and love with each other .|
- Gretings of the peoples:?
The greeting of peoples among people is the highest and best thing they offer to each other and to each other
- says an ancient Egyptian proverb that continues to this day
: Meet me and do not give me lunch, meaning that if a person finds someone, he must first welcome him and greet him, and this is better than offering him the finest types of food during a heavy lunch .
It is one of the manifestations of love and respect included in the greeting, where clear signs of love appear on a person, and even wrinkles or facial marks show welcome or denial of the person
opposite... or an increase in his love .
Then they emphasized the expressions of welcome that are common in every society and in every country where people live
Greeting people in Egypt :
In Egypt, for example, we hear many people repeating, verbally, the popular greeting, especially in the evening, when it is happy, and children and parents exchange it by saying: Happy, papa, or Happy, mama .
It is a greeting that indicates that happiness is the content of the greeting and the sophistication of its meaning, which carries within its meanings the finest meanings of love and happiness .|
Where the warm feelings and the sweetest meanings and wishes, and where people say: In Egypt: Also, good morning, which is a greeting
that shows the place the pepper flower has in the conscience of the Egyptians, since the days of the Pharaohs, the people of the pyramids, until our present time .
- As for Lebanon
We always hear people exchanging greetings of welcome and welcome. I wish you a good evening, and an evening of good things. It is a greeting that expresses the meanings that the people of
Lebanon enjoy: warmth, cheerfulness of spirit between people, and everlasting love between them .
- As for Sudan
People enjoy more welcoming and sharing the good feelings and love in their lives, as we hear the greeting: How did you just meet? : That is, how did we spend our nap time? |
We also hear “hayyari ten,” meaning “welcome to you” ten times, which indicates the utmost warmth and welcome, especially at noon ..,|
As for Morocco :
They say: It is good, and returning it is good for you .|
- And in Libya :
They say: He will live on you, and her response in the same way will live on you. They also say how are you, and her response is bahi, meaning good .., |
- As for Tunisia :
People say: Goodbye. He returned it and said hello as well...that is, bye ...,|
- As for Chad :
There are two greetings: they are very famous among people, and they are: “No, there is no harm in you,” and “return it is not good,” and its origin may be derived from the Arabic language, “no harm to
you.” As for the other greeting, it is “Aafiyah,” “Aafiyah responded,” or “Aafiyah Tayyibun” …|
In addition to many words that are not mentioned in many societies, peoples, tribes and nations, for every group of people or a specific environment in society, whether it is urban, desert, or a rural area,
you find types of greetings that have a different content, but their basis is one content, which is that the greeting is :
An image of the people's conscience
- And a clear reflection of his personality and psychological or social state...,?
But if you want to know the best and most beloved greetings in the world, it is the unified greeting among Muslims in all Islamic countries and nations. They all chanted, “Peace be upon you.” It
means peace and security for human beings, God’s care for them, His mercy upon them, and His blessings upon them.
It is a religious greeting beloved by all groups and classes of society, and its response is :
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you .
Peoples' greetings vary in method, including sticking the tongue out of the mouth .|
- How do people welcome each other?
Be freely: shaking hands, kissing the cheeks, waving the hand, kissing the nose, loving the mouth. This is not all you know about
peace and greetings at all. Every country and culture has its own way of welcoming and greeting, and expressing the image of the
conscience from within the soul, introducing the greeting ...
Different ways of greeting in some countries of the world .|
- New Zealand :
Welcoming people in New Zealand, they have the Amorite greeting: and the indigenous people of New Zealand: called “Hongi”, which is based on rubbing or touching noses when two people meet each
other. This behavior is referred to as “human life breath” and is considered to be coming from the gods to them .|
- As for Tibet: welcoming people in the Tibet region, where people
welcome each other by sticking out their tongues, and this tradition is practiced. Since the 9th century AD, when Lang Drama was the ruler of Tibet... who was known for his black tongue. Fearing that he
might be the embodiment of an evil spirit, people began sticking out their tongues to prove that they were not evil, and this greeting was also accompanied by bending the arm under the chest .
- Tuvalu Island :
And in Tuvalu Island Welcoming people in Tuvalu, which is an island between Hawaii and Australia. The traditional greeting is for a person to place his face on the other’s cheek and take a deep breath .|
- Mongolia :
Mongolians offer what is called “hada,” which is a ribbon of silk and cotton, and they present it when an unfamiliar guest arrives at their home .
The guest should gently hold the ribbon with both hands, with a slight bow
- The Philippines :
Welcoming people in the Philippines, it is important and necessary for young people to greet adults by holding their right hand, placing it on the front of their forehead, and saying “Mano Po .”|
- Green Land :
Welcoming people there is called the traditional greeting or welcome that is practiced by the Nuit or Eskimos in Greenland “Konik”, in
which the person places his nose and upper lip on the other’s face, then breathes .|
The customs and traditions of each country differ from the other. According to the nature of society and its historical origin, whether in social life or otherwise; Some countries and peoples follow new
and strange ways of greeting their members, a ritual that other peoples may consider strange, but it is considered part of the culture of these peoples in their affection for those they love. The customs of
peoples differ from each other in welcoming, such as shaking hands, hugs, kisses, and exchanging hugs, even extending the tongue ...!
- Touching the noses :
In New Zealand, the method of greeting is called, which is based on touching the nose between people. Provided
that your eyes remain open during the greeting to avoid the
embarrassment that you may be exposed to if you cross the distance between you and others. You must apologize for greeting if your nose is sore or cold .
This custom is somewhat similar to the greeting among some tribes of the people of the Arabian Peninsula .|
- Tongue sticking out :
Tibetans greet each other by sticking their tongue out. The origin of this greeting dates back to the ninth century, when a king named Tibet ruled the Tibet region Sempa , who was sticking out his
tongue; the black ; What aroused the fear of his people; They believed that he was a non-human being; Therefore, they made sure
to greet each other by sticking out their tongues, sometimes accompanied by placing their palms in front of their chests .
- Deep cheek sniffing :
Tuvalu is a Polynesian country located in the Pacific Ocean between Australia and Hawaii, and represents the fourth smallest country in the world .
The style of greeting on this island is slightly different; The person touches the other person's cheek and smells him deeply .|
One of the most important things that must be followed when
greeting someone is that a person should not eat onions before going to the other person to greet him . |
- Bow smile :
The style of greeting is to bow slightly, with a smile during the greeting .
Greeting in this way expresses mutual respect, and it also represents something very important in Mongolian culture .|
- Kneeling _ :
The style of greeting includes a bow extending from the head to the waist, and is best performed on a mat floor, which represents a type of traditional Japanese flooring by kneeling in order to bow .|
When you visit it for the first time, it is acceptable to greet it with a slight bow of the head, given that the Japanese know that you do not know the rules of correct bowing .
- Other types of greetings between people include :
The style of greeting among men in Kenya is to shake hands and hold hands for a few minutes .
For older people, he holds the wrist of the left hand on his wrist; Which shows his respect . |
- While the method of shaking hands differs between women, which should include hugging and kissing one of the cheeks .
As for the greeting between a man and a woman, it involves allowing the woman to offer her hand first for a handshake, then the man kisses her forehead if they are friends .
- Rubbing the nose and upper lip :
Greenland is a part of the Arctic region, and is inhabited by the Eskimo people, who have a traditional style of greeting between
family members and their loved ones or friends, which includes pressing the nose and upper lip of their loved one's skin to breathe in
their scent; Which indicates affection .
While greeting strangers differs, this is by rubbing the noses together. You should not do this if you are having a cold .|
- terlocking hands :
In Thailand, people greet each other by clasping hands together. This indicates respect among themselves, and its performance is also
considered an indication that the individual does not carry any weapons .
It is acceptable to greet people when you visit them for the first time with a smile only, due to their knowledge that foreigners are not
familiar with the correct rules of greeting, as people greet each other differently in their lives .|
Touching the hand to the forehead :
The style of greeting among people in the Philippines is characterized as “the most respectful of older people,
as younger people must bow to them, and hold their right hand with the other’s right hand, touching their forehead,
but this must be gently so as not to make them feel pain, as well as It represents a sign of respect for older people .|
- Tighten your fist and avoid looking :
A gentle fist should be used during the handshake along with everyone shaking hands at social occasions among people in Singapore. When someone shakes hands with you: you must bow
slightly out of respect for him .
As in the Japanese greeting, one must :
wait for the woman to offer her hand first for the greeting, and one
must also: avoid eye contact; Because it indicates disrespect and bad manners .|
- Shaking the head and twirling the fingers :
The handshake in South Africa takes the form of a normal shake of the head, then a shake of the head in more than one direction, with
your fingers rotating upwards in the other direction...then a normal shake again .|
Difference is a characteristic of people ,
This difference includes everything from religious beliefs, cultures and customs of different peoples .
It is one of the most important habits in people's lives ;
Greeting customs. Our ignorance of greeting customs in a country
may put us in a hurtful situation, and the residents of that country may understand our greeting as an insult to them !
Greeting with a handshake :
A handshake is the most common way of greeting among people around the world
in the United States of America :
The handshake is the customary greeting in the United States of America, whether between friends or between people who do not know each other. As for kissing the cheeks,
it is completely uncommon among men, and it is considered a sexual
gesture. In the United Kingdom :
the greeting is verbal, using the word “Hello” when meeting friends . |
is done by shaking hands when meeting someone for the first time
As for kissing the cheek, it is between men
and women who have an emotional or friendly relationship. The greeting between two friends also includes kissing the cheek .
- It indicates a lack of integrity, so be careful when greeting by kissing the cheeks there . !
- in France :
The greeting is by shaking hands and kissing the cheeks, at the beginning and at the end of the meeting. This greeting includes friends and sometimes strangers as well .|
- in Japan :
Bowing is considered the main means of greeting between people, instead of shaking hands and kissing .|
- in Belgium :
Regardless of the gender of people and how well they know each other, kissing each other on the cheek is considered the basic greeting between them .|
customs in Japan :
Bowing is a common way of greeting among people: in Japan .|
- In China :
Greeting with a handshake or a tilt of the head is the accepted way of greeting others .|
- In Russia :
Shaking hands is considered a means of greeting, and kissing the cheeks with three kisses is considered a way for men to greet women, in addition to kissing the hand .|
- In Armenia :
A kiss on the cheek and a quick hug are the basic greetings between friends and relatives in the lives of people in Armenia. In addition, it is traditional for a woman to wait for the man to extend his hand in greeting first so that she can shake his hand, but this tradition is no longer followed except by a few among them at the present time .|
- In Chile :
In general, when meeting for the first time, the greeting is done with a handshake. However, women may greet each other upon first meeting with a single kiss on the cheek. Among friends, a man greets another man with a hug, and a woman greets him with a kiss on the cheek. While the ladies greet each other with a kiss on the cheek .|
- In Finland :
Greetings There are people who shake hands when meeting someone for the first time, while hugs and kisses on the cheek are considered a
way to greet friends and relatives only .|
- Greeting customs in New Zealand :
Touching noses is a way of greeting in New Zealand . |
in Korea :
Men bow or shake hands with each other, while women generally do not shake hands with each other .|
- in Greece :
The backstroke replaces the handshake, becoming the main method of greeting among people .|
- In Spain :
Shaking hands is a way of greeting between strangers, while kissing the cheeks is a way of greeting between friends .|
- India :
When meeting strangers, they are greeted with a handshake. While kissing is considered unacceptable there, bowing and touching the feet is the main way in Indian life to express respect and reverence among themselves .
- In Zambia :
A handshake is the basis for greeting, while friends greet each other by touching and bending their thumbs !
- In New Zealand :
In rural areas, the greeting method is for the greeters to touch their noses to each other, while closing their eyes .|
- In Eskimo :
Greeting is done by hitting the other person's head or shoulder .!
In Tibet :
Greeting between people is by sticking out your tongue facing the other person . |
- In Cambodia :
The hands are joined together; So that they rest at the chest, and the higher the hands rise, the more respect you will have for the person you are greeting .
- Greeting customs in Cambodia :
Holding hands together and raising them upward is a custom of greeting among people in Cambodia .|
In Gabon :
The handshake is the basis when greeting friends, as a person shakes his friend's hand with both hands, which indicates his closeness to him .!
In general, the handshake is the most common means of greeting others, but we must be careful not to use any hand signals, because they may have good meanings in our country, while they are
considered an insult in other countries. For example, pointing with the hand to the right and left, which means hello or goodbye, means “come here” in India, while it means “no” in some European
countries, Japan and some Latin American countries .|
Pointing directly at a person or thing, which aims to draw attention to that person or thing, is considered impolite behavior in some
European countries,
in addition to China and Japan .
In some African countries, this sign is used with inanimate objects only
Therefore, we must pay attention when using hand signals;
Our physical movements and the movements of our hands may carry insults that are more horrific than verbal insults .!
The difference between greeting people in life is a characteristic of humans, and this difference includes everything from religious beliefs, cultures and customs of different peoples to people’s lives.
The most important of these habits are:
Of course, greeting customs . |
Our ignorance of greeting customs in a certain country may put us in a very hurtful situation, and the residents of that country may understand our greeting as an insult to their normal lives .!
In general, the handshake is the most common means of greeting others, but we must beware of using any hand signals between people, because they may have good meanings in our country, while
they are considered an insult in the life of other countries . For example, pointing with the hand to the right and left, which means
hello or goodbye, means, as we mentioned, “ Come here” in India, while it means “no” in the lives of some European countries, Japan, and some Latin American countries .|
- The first handshake ::
are full of valuable information about the lives of peoples, indicate that the first handshake was between the Prophet Ibrahim and Dhul-Qarnayn .
Other books cite a hadith attributed to the Prophet: Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace ,
stating that the people of Yemen are the first to greet each other with a handshake .
It is also mentioned that the companion: Abu Dhar al-Ghaffar: was the first to greet him with the Islamic greeting .
It is still used among people today, and regardless of the roots of the
handshake and greeting, Muslims deal with it as a means of welcome
on the one hand and a request for reward and forgiveness on the other hand, and this is what the Prophet’s hadiths indicated on the other hand. Among the lives of Muslims .
In addition to shaking hands, there are many familiar ways of greeting people , which is based on the noticeable difference between world cultures,
as the Japanese, for example, bow to you out of respect to greet you, while some Asian people fold their palms together in front of others
as a greeting to them. As for kissing the cheeks, To greet people between people, the French kiss the greeted person on the cheeks .|
And among the Russians :
- Preferably a bear hug
.| -
Some Arab people kiss on the left cheek, then the right, and then the left again
As for the Italians :
They kiss each cheek twice, while the people of Mexico limit themselves to one kiss on the cheek . | The environment has played an important
role in creating a style of greeting in the lives of people among peoples to the point of amazement. The Chinese working in the rice fields made them greet each other by touching their feet, while the
cold environment may have inspired the peoples of the Eskimos and New Zealand to take the initiative to touch each other’s noses to
greet each other, and that is it . The traditional method of some tribes in the Arabian Gulf .”
- Do not be surprised if you are in Tibet and see someone sticking out their tongue at you, for in this part of the earth it is polite
behavior and a way of greeting and greeting. This
custom has a funny story: that in the past, a king lived among them. He is a mighty man with a black tongue, and let each individual
prove to another that the spirit of that cursed king did not incarnate in him after his death. He shows you that his tongue is not black in color. I ask you not to be provoked if you visit the Masia tribes in
Tanzania and Kenya and one of their members spits on you. He speaks in this strange way. I respect you and peace be upon you .|
As for the conclusion of the article about greetings in people’s lives :
You should have known more that the best greeting in the world among people: is the Islamic greeting: because of the mercy and great blessings that both parties receive from God :
and if you throw it at someone and he does not respond to it: then the angels return the peace to you and write good deeds for you :
and these The greeting is to say: May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you ,
and its response is: May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.| Or,
“ May God’s peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you: thus blessing will come to people
’s lives .”