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Perfumes Ancient times and the relationship of the ancients to them?

Perfumes Ancient times and the relationship of the ancients to them?

where It was completed Discovery Perfumes Old Perfumes Ancient times and the relationship of the ancients to them? Perfumes Ancient times and the relationship of the ancients to them?

Perfumes Ancient times and the relationship of the ancients to them?

It was completed Discovery Perfumes Old

It was completed Discovery Oldest Perfumes in the world in Museums, archaeological sites and dates that to more from four

 Thousands year . And he appeared Perfume For the first Once in Ages Old on The method of mixing oils and burning incense with many fragrant tree wood and flowers that spread the good fragrance.

Who discovered perfumes?

That was thanks to the discovery Chemist Persian son Sina for ways to mix perfumes And method Extract Oils from flowers about road
 distillation , Which he now Action Most Used until today .

And before Discover it , Included Perfumes Old quantities Heavy from Oils that produce Mixtures Strong .

Who discovered Oud al-Fadl?

A stick was discovered Favor I have Greeks in Use of perfumes The questioner from during inclusion Spices Atomicity that Preserve on Oils And prolong The age of perfumes . And it was done Use Oils

 For years many before to make Fragrance of protection The skin at that time appears in archaeological inscriptions on Pharaonic stones. Through which they believed to gain the good will of the gods.

The priests' belief in perfumes?

The priests believed in the gods' love for perfumes and spread the perfume during their rituals while burning incense until the rituals were completed. With the advancement of civilization, only the

 wealthy, influential and financially powerful were able to obtain the perfume that suited their special status.
The Greeks used perfumes for the love of the gods.

As for the Greeks, they used perfumes for courtship and attraction attention Gods To them and the love of the gods for them and to pray
 for the fulfillment of wishes. Because of their intense love for

 perfumes, they buried her in Their graves Believing that it You will help them In entry Paradise and that God will bless them if they
 smell good. They engraved various types of bottles around them on

 the stones as a means of supplication and as a way to draw closer to God. These were their beliefs.

Perfume did not He smells it Sunday 2000 years ago

Perfume did not He smells it Sunday 2000 years ago .
He stumbled on recipe Perfume after a contract complete from Excavations that He rose With it a team from Scholars Archaeology

 from university Hawaii in location in north Cairo he claims hill Altimai, and he location city Timos Pharaonic that was built Year 4500 BC Birth .

whereas Cleopatra He was she has The perfumer private With it, Which Make she has Her perfume private , With a scent Distinctive, .
that it Perfume Cleopatra , distinguished and exciting To admire that She sniffs perfume, did not He smells it Sunday For 2000 years .”

the queen Cleopatra Seven And known Basim Cleopatra she last Kings Family Macedonian, that Hikmet Egypt since death Alexander the biggest in Year 323 BC birth, And even occupation Egypt from

 before Rome 30 years ago Birth . She was Cleopatra daughter Ptolemy the second ten, And it has I succeeded him As a queen Year
 51 BC . M Share The throne Her brother Ptolemy the third .

 Cleopatra loved mixing and compounding perfumes, and she had he own factory that mixed essential oils for her.

usful article