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Herbs And the smells Aromatic And its importance to humans

Herbs And the smells Aromatic And its importance to humans|

Herbs And the smells Aromatic And its importance to humans
Herbs And the smells Aromatic And its importance to humans

Aromatic herbalism is one of the Branches science Herbs for the perfume industry and medical 

pharmaceutical companies with these herbs and aromatic scents .|
Smells Aromatic And its importance For the individual and society.|

Herbs And the smells Aromatic And its importance
she :

Sunday Branches science Herbs And medicine with scents Aromatic And its importance :-

-Smells _ Aromatic Sunday Branches science Herbs , where that

Smells It is : art old may be It was completed Use it since Thousands The years :

As a means help For luxury Physical And emotional .

And treatment With scents Aromatic And use it .

maybe Track it As much as The ancients Egyptians ,

Whose They took advantage Powers Therapeutic For oils the basic .

And it is used Smells also For a while long very .

in the East Al-Aqsa And China .

And from antiquities Smells Aromatic :

Prepare treatment With scents Aromatic Sunday Branches science Herbs ,

And it can study Study " treatment With scents aromatherapy in treatment centers,

 colleges of pharmacy, medical institutes, and schools designated for this purpose. ”

In a way better in This is amazing Domains The four To apply :

Aesthetic - effects Oils the basic she has on beauty skin And poetry .

Psychological - her antiquities Perfumes on Our mood and on General feeling .

The favor Basim science Aromatic herbs .

Holistic - merging Divine in The body And the mind And the soul 
Medical –

antiquities Oils the basic she has in Enhancing human aesthetic health .

And preservation on condition from Balance .

road Application :

Oils the basic She : liquid distilled from Papers And the legs And the roots And flowers And Bark the plant . "|

And concentrated Oils the basic that used in :

treatment With scents Aromatic In a way big , |

And therefore Complete Reduce it usually With oil Transporter , like oil Almonds . |

Oils the basic , in Purer Picture it , tend to that Be Expensive Extremely ,|

because amount the oil existing in the plants Small Extremely . |

on way Example , Produce About 440 lbs from Flowers Lavender Fresh . |

2.5 lbs Just from the oil Aromatic For lavender . |

maybe Use Smells And oils the basic For purposes many , |

like Calm down or Energizing the body And the mind And the nerves . |

Through drink, food, or smell, such as perfumed with aromatic scents. |

maybe look to Use treatment Aromatic As part from to choose pattern life .|

-Style _ life Allow With entertainment because Moment joy Healed Through the romantic scent . |

Described fun As a source To enjoy Real . |

Why Forbidden yourself from fun And benefits Perfume Feminine like :

scent Roses from Morocco or from Bulgaria ?

from during to understand How application treatment Aromatic in the use Daily , |

You could Enjoy With scents Kindness :

And help in Preservation on System care Health for you and your family.|

It will represent prevention for you And for luxury Your family . |

on Term Long: Use aromatic herbs.|

What flowers are most used in perfumery?

What flowers are most used in perfumery?

What flowers are most used in perfumery?
What flowers are most used in perfumery?

Flowers Aromatic : -

The flowers Aromatic

Is characterized by With its colors Cheerful And its smell Aromatic the beautiful that It smelt from Her flowers Al Badia .|

There is a lot from The flowers Aromatic in all Around the world , Uses Of which in Decorating Such as what Uses in Extract Oils

 Aromatic , that to intervene in industry perfumes, And wish This is amazing The flowers in Regions Tropical .|

Neighbor Religiously she : -

Flowers Always Greenery , Is characterized by With papers White the color , to get to know With its smell Aromatic The strong one , where Come In two ways As for Single Class or Multiple Layers ,

 And whenever Increased number Layers become Its smell more powerful , It varies appearance size Her flowers According to Type The planted one ; From it Great Such as The little one .|

Tulips Eastern : -

she Grow in Mid Season summer to The end of it , And for her scent Perfume Vitality And full It increases during a period Evening , as You recite Her flowers With several colors Like white And red And

 pink , And it has Meets more from color in Flower One , Enjoy With a view Beautiful And smell Featured .|

Jasmine : -

she Flowers Natural And it's called With a queen the night also , where Grow in Regions The hot one , There are most Its types in regions south And east Asia And Africa , where There is Of which

more from Nearly 200 species Different from Flowers Jasmine , And it blooms in quarterly the spring And summer ,And Is characterized

by In color the White in Most Species , as give scent Aromatic Distinctive It smelt after sunset the sun In a way private . |

Al-Fal : -

he Flowers A climber Which You plant on appearance Shrubbery , Grow Flowers The good on appearance Layers White the color Out Of which Perfume Dhu scent Fragrant especially in Season summer

 where Help yourself The atmosphere Moderate relatively To grow, And also maybe Benefit from Its buds in industry Perfumes .|

Marie Gold : -

she Flowers Her name Marigold And there is Of which more from Fifty something like ; Of which what he permanent Such as what he seasonal , And grow mostly in Season winter , And it has extends

 season Its growth to Season summer sometimes , And it is distinguished That she is flower Multiple Colors ; From it orange Such as Yellow and sometimes the Red , And for her scent Aromatic

beautiful And fragrant , used manufacturing Perfumes And decorations .|

Roses Al-Juri : -

and he Flowers to get to know With roses Damascene rate to Syria colors Its flowers Multiple Like red And white And yellow And

others from Colors the beautiful that she has scent Aromatic Fragrant , And it is extracted from him oils Multiple Uses As oil Roses .|

Lavender : -

he Flowers Aromatic Is characterized by With its smell The scent the beautiful And the special one , And he is called also With lavender , And he comes back His homeland the original to north continent

Africa and regions Mountainous The high from the sea the White Average , as Is characterized by Its flowers In color Purple Attractive

, And usually what Complete extraction oil Lavender to use it in industry Perfumes Featured .|

Violet : -

Grow trees Violet In abundance in Australia And America latin, And for her Species a lot , The most famous of them in extraction Perfumes she violet Victoria And violet Parma, And it is done Use it

in to prepare Many from pharmaceutical And treatments . |
And it needs extraction Perfume from Flowers Violet to quantities big , where no Produce unless Little . |

And it was done innovation Perfume industrial newly Looks like scent Violet natural, And flowers Violet Come In color Violet or the White . |

Vanilla : -

this the plant for him scent Aromatic And it is formed from Centuries Black . |

Complete extraction vanilla from this the plant , Which used In a way Main in Sweets and drinks .

And recently, used vanilla in industry Most Perfumes famous, Especially Extract vanilla Industrial . |

flower Yaling : -

You plant flower Jasmine in south east Asia and regions tropical, And for her color green yellowish And resemble a star the sea .

used In abundance in industry The finest Species perfumes, And its smell Like scent Jasmine .

Complete plural Flowers Jasmine after Open it And processed quickly Due To rise price the oil Abstract Of which With oil Industrial . |

Resin : -

It is matter Gummy Which material Excreted from Bark tree oak, tend Its color to Yellow Brown that Looks like amber, And there several Species Of which , Which Is characterized by With its smell distinctive, And use it Greeks And the Romans since foot, And it spreads in Italy and Yugoslavia, And it is done Use it in industry pharmaceutical And perfumes And incense . |

Flowers Roses : -

considered as the flower , In all its forms olfactory multi, one from more Flowers agriculture in the world .

progress for us Types Different from Smells Sensitive And Dense .

Smells Take us in Train from Perfumes rosacea, Accompany her shades Sometimes sweet, and sometimes Fruity . Its smells Miscellaneous always what Be Desirable And Attractive.

the flower in industry perfumes, flower With a scent sweet And feminine.

the flower flower from shrub roses, that You belong to sex Rosa And from family Shifts .

Is characterized by Roses the beautiful that We see it in Gardens Frequently Its overlapping petals Than He grants it In form Great .

“ Not Thorns from Protect Roses but rather “ Her perfume . ”

thus He said Arabs on the flower , Flower that Attracted Poets And the book, Code Femininity and meekness, And reflection For elegance Men's, in Ages past . |

flower Orchid :-

she knows In the name of " plant. " orchid " , she one from The most beautiful The flowers And the oldest Historically, where Back first

 date For those Flower in Year 700 BC birth, as that For this Flower value Economical High on bitter ages, And it has I squeezed flower

 Orchid Ages And times many , He was destined bitter on her Flowers And animals she lived and became extinct, while I stayed That Flower the beautiful until Our day this . |


Prepare Saffron from More expensive Spices in the world , where Complete Use Saffron in industry Perfumes To add Touch Luxury .

used Flowers And the papers And the roots from plants Saffron in manufacturing Perfumes . |

Roses Bulgarian:-

Prepare Roses Bulgarian from Plush Species Roses in the world , where Complete Use His flowers in industry Perfumes Women's Luxury .

Is characterized by scent Roses Bulgarian With temptation And delicacy and femininity, She adds For perfume Touch from Elegance And romance . |

What flowers are most used in perfumery?

Flowers Aromatic : -

The flowers Aromatic

Is characterized by With its colors Cheerful And its smell Aromatic the beautiful that It smelt from Her flowers Al Badia .|

There is a lot from The flowers Aromatic in all Around the world , Uses Of which in Decorating Such as what Uses in Extract Oils

 Aromatic , that to intervene in industry perfumes, And wish This is amazing The flowers in Regions Tropical .|

Neighbor Religiously she : -

Flowers Always Greenery , Is characterized by With papers White the color , to get to know With its smell Aromatic The strong one ,

 where Come In two ways As for Single Class or Multiple Layers , And whenever Increased number Layers become Its smell more

 powerful , It varies appearance size Her flowers According to Type The planted one ; From it Great Such as The little one .|

Tulips Eastern : -

she Grow in Mid Season summer to The end of it , And for her scent Perfume Vitality And full It increases during a period Evening , as You recite Her flowers With several colors Like white And red And pink , And it has Meets more from color in Flower One , Enjoy With a view Beautiful And smell Featured .|

Jasmine : -

she Flowers Natural And it's called With a queen the night also , where Grow in Regions The hot one , There are most Its types in

 regions south And east Asia And Africa , where There is Of which more from Nearly 200 species Different from Flowers Jasmine , And

 it blooms in quarterly the spring And summer ,And Is characterized by In color the White in Most Species , as give scent Aromatic Distinctive It smelt after sunset the sun In a way private . |

Al-Fal : -

he Flowers A climber Which You plant on appearance Shrubbery , Grow Flowers The good on appearance Layers White the color Out Of which Perfume Dhu scent Fragrant especially in Season summer

 where Help yourself The atmosphere Moderate relatively To grow, And also maybe Benefit from Its buds in industry Perfumes .|

Marie Gold : -

she Flowers Her name Marigold And there is Of which more from Fifty something like ; Of which what he permanent Such as what he

 seasonal , And grow mostly in Season winter , And it has extends season Its growth to Season summer sometimes , And it is distinguished That she is flower Multiple Colors ; From it orange

 Such as Yellow and sometimes the Red , And for her scent Aromatic beautiful And fragrant , used manufacturing Perfumes And decorations .|

Roses Al-Juri : -

and he Flowers to get to know With roses Damascene rate to Syria colors Its flowers Multiple Like red And white And yellow And

 others from Colors the beautiful that she has scent Aromatic Fragrant , And it is extracted from him oils Multiple Uses As oil Roses .|

Lavender : -

he Flowers Aromatic Is characterized by With its smell The scent the beautiful And the special one , And he is called also With lavender ,

 And he comes back His homeland the original to north continent Africa and regions Mountainous The high from the sea the White Average , as Is characterized by Its flowers In color Purple Attractive

 , And usually what Complete extraction oil Lavender to use it in industry Perfumes Featured .|

Violet : -

Grow trees Violet In abundance in Australia And America latin, And for her Species a lot , The most famous of them in extraction

 Perfumes she violet Victoria And violet Parma, And it is done Use it in to prepare Many from pharmaceutical And treatments . |

And it needs extraction Perfume from Flowers Violet to quantities big , where no Produce unless Little . |

And it was done innovation Perfume industrial newly Looks like scent Violet natural, And flowers Violet Come In color Violet or the White . |

Vanilla : -
this the plant for him scent Aromatic And it is formed from Centuries Black . |
Complete extraction vanilla from this the plant , Which used In a way Main in Sweets and drinks .
And recently, used vanilla in industry Most Perfumes famous, Especially Extract vanilla Industrial . |

flower Yaling : -

You plant flower Jasmine in south east Asia and regions tropical, And for her color green yellowish And resemble a star the sea .

used In abundance in industry The finest Species perfumes, And its smell Like scent Jasmine .

Complete plural Flowers Jasmine after Open it And processed quickly Due To rise price the oil Abstract Of which With oil Industrial . |

Resin : -

It is matter Gummy Which material Excreted from Bark tree oak, tend Its color to Yellow Brown that Looks like amber, And there several Species Of which , Which Is characterized by With its smell

 distinctive, And use it Greeks And the Romans since foot, And it spreads in Italy and Yugoslavia, And it is done Use it in industry pharmaceutical And perfumes And incense . |

Flowers Roses : -

considered as the flower , In all its forms olfactory multi, one from more Flowers agriculture in the world .

progress for us Types Different from Smells Sensitive And Dense .

Smells Take us in Train from Perfumes rosacea, Accompany her shades Sometimes sweet, and sometimes Fruity . Its smells Miscellaneous always what Be Desirable And Attractive.

the flower in industry perfumes, flower With a scent sweet And feminine.

the flower flower from shrub roses, that You belong to sex Rosa And from family Shifts .

Is characterized by Roses the beautiful that We see it in Gardens Frequently Its overlapping petals Than He grants it In form Great .

“ Not Thorns from Protect Roses but rather “ Her perfume . ”

thus He said Arabs on the flower , Flower that Attracted Poets And the book, Code Femininity and meekness, And reflection For elegance Men's, in Ages past . |

flower Orchid :-

she knows In the name of " plant. " orchid " , she one from The most beautiful The flowers And the oldest Historically, where Back first date For those Flower in Year 700 BC birth, as that For this Flower value Economical High on bitter ages, And it has I squeezed flower

 Orchid Ages And times many , He was destined bitter on her Flowers And animals she lived and became extinct, while I stayed That Flower the beautiful until Our day this . |


Prepare Saffron from More expensive Spices in the world , where Complete Use Saffron in industry Perfumes To add Touch Luxury .

used Flowers And the papers And the roots from plants Saffron in manufacturing Perfumes . |

Roses Bulgarian:-

Prepare Roses Bulgarian from Plush Species Roses in the world , where Complete Use His flowers in industry Perfumes Women's Luxury .

Is characterized by scent Roses Bulgarian With temptation And delicacy and femininity, She adds For perfume Touch from Elegance And romance . |

What is the strangest use of perfume?

What is the strangest use of perfume?

What is the strangest use of perfume?
What is the strangest use of perfume?

The strangest uses of perfume?

that Use Perfumes And oils aromatic, And scented water old , foot Human almost, So not from Surprisingly , that It changes Use perfume a lot on bitter The centuries . |

did not Be revolution industrial, And production on Domain wide Just , she that Solved Shop Use , water scented, And outputs

 distillation, But also Methods Medicine , or treatment With plants , Brought Knocking New to Fashion . |

And in the time Himself, until today , there Methods Amazing to use perfumes, Which arousing To think , or until Surprise For the majority Great . |

Drinking perfume:

death the emperor French Napoleon Bonaparte , because of His habit alien, in Use Perfumes . |

as he a favour , He was Napoleon Passionate With cologne, But as it turns out , did not He perfumes himself With it Just, but rather Consume it also With passion .

He was Believes that tincture water Alcoholic medical, Useful For process digestion And he drinks it With enthusiasm . |

Unfortunately Luck, as it turns out While after , He was To drink Cologne negative effect Opposite . |

Perfumes are essential oils:

Contains Perfumes also on oils basic, completely like Oils the basic , used in fumigation, And for this the reason He uses it a lot from the

 people As perfumes Home . |
A few Blows in device Fumigation And it comes back scent Our perfume the favorite to Flat . |

You could Perfume Your car:-

With your scent Favorite : Spray Tape from paper, or A bag Young , from Cloth well With perfume, then Get up With his comment in

 Your car Near from slot The air . |
It lasts Odor For a while long , In a way surprising . |

Do not spray perfume in the wrong place:

no We can until that We imagine number People Whose They spray perfume, in Place The error, and he waste TRUE, as that it not healthy Extremely . |

Perfumes that Contains on Alcohol , no It works To neutralize Smells The stench , on road Blow it directly on armpits, She is not Designed For this Purpose.|

maybe for alcohol, that It stings Surface Skin sensitive, in when that scent perfume, Mixed With scents natural, You create Mixture aromatic not Attractive Extremely . |

Uses Perfume , on the neck And the chest and wrists, And used Abrasives Smells Developed For this the purpose to remove, Smells The stench from Armpits . |

Use perfume To perfume hair :-

Prepare Perfume Your hair With perfume direction , common In a way Increasing . |

keeps the hair , with scent Perfume , in a way ideal , especially if It was completed sprinkle on Poetry wet .

And in the time Himself, He should also that be taken in Consideration impact drying Alcohol in Perfumes .

as It was completed Identify on Latest directione from before Companies Manufacturer, So Complete release More , and more from Perfumes Customized For hair in market . |

using This is amazing Elements, You could situation layer , from your smell Favorite :

2 -3 Sprinkles from Perfume on region , higher the chest And the neck , and a few Sprinkles from Perfume the hair, Will be the influence , long Long term And wonderful . |

Perfumes As a tonic Sexual :-

in climax production perfumes, She was all Materials the basic for perfumes, Depends on nature , So did not Be Herbs Aromatic , and

 plants, And the ingredients Animalism used, in Perfumes , not Indifferent By wearing it . |

And from known, that some Perfumes Working , as a stimulant Sexual , for the mind human , any that she has Influential sexy, In a way private . |

until if did not mix, Perfumers Perfumes As doses love , It is The favor that they They use Material Basic Aromatic , stimulate Its smell the desire . |

And from This is amazing scents, anise, and cinnamon, And cardamom, And blossom Orange And cloves And vanilla And oil The roses . |

when we are talking on , Perfume costly And tempting, We can making sure from that it It contains on one , or more from Smells stunts mentioned . |

So, if He was person close from U.S Uses this Perfume Exclusively, So we can making sure from that it not not Indifferent With sensuality . |

Perfumes As a treatment Fragrance :-

According For the rules International to use Materials raw, maybe Use number less , and less from Materials Raw natural, in perfumes,

 And it is done to push Its effect Therapeutic , with scents to the background . |

Because he For several Centuries , She was Effects that Caused by it scents, she that Paid our ancestors , to Use Water scented, And oils Scented . |

And in the time Himself , maybe Feeling With effects the public , For perfumes until if did not Be Made from ingredients 100% natural . |

Smells citrus fruits , refreshes Mind And activate it . |
Smells lavender, And herbs Soothing . |

she has impact comfortable We, It smells Roses Help us on relax, while Helps us Patchouli on the focus . |

Perfume As a perfume For the room :-

in the years Last , had become Perfume outer space , a trend Real : perfume hotels, And the squares the public And restaurants , and stores Elegant , did not Prepare from Business Satan , in reality one

 Anecdotes Famous she condition Christian Dior, that Innovate Perfume Miss Dior , but in the time Himself, did not He desires

 Sunday in buying Perfume the talk very, Which He was It is considered Strange , and exciting Surprisingly in that the time .

did not He despairs Dior, And tell employees , that it when It arrives Client , They rise Sprinkle Rooms Measurement Completely With perfume the new . |

And from not Surprisingly , that it no maybe For anyone Departure the shop Without buying Perfume . |

no Still Psychology the shopping experimental, that Bind several senses in same the time, are used until Today : music fun, And the

 smell cute, And experience the shopping fun, And it starts defend the purchase I have Client , Once that Step on Serve it the shop . |

Once Other . until in Budapest, Manufactured Larger boutiques, And hotels Her perfumes private, And even Shops Grand Most Excellent , sprinkle Street directly , Before Its entrance With perfumes . |

Perfume As a perfume for clothes :-

that it fashion Strange , to spray Perfume on Clothing . |
And it must that We know that Perfume It lasts In a way less on Clothing , But in same the time , He should that We realize also that

 friends skin Sensitive , Whose no They want Give up on perfumes, He should that They bribe Their perfumes Favorite on Clothing . |

spray Perfume on Clothing not direction newly, In the culture Arabic , Complete Heating Oils Aromatic The strong one , on road Pour it in comfort Hand then , published it nicely on Clothing . |

maybe Get on Perfume strong very With this method, but He should that to learn that this , no maybe Achieve it with all Species Fabrics . |

Perfume As a perfume For the mouth :-

strange, But direction Emerging In a way growing , in Clips video , he that get up Users , blowing Perfume directly in Their mouths . |

that it an experience serious, where that Perfumes today not Valid For consumption . |

until if did not it causes Annoying immediately, It is Possible anticipation Interactions sensitive Severe . |

Sunday Creative people in this direction he maker Perfumes , famous Jeremy fragrance, that He rose Sprinkle His perfumes in his eyes, in Latest Clips the video Private with it . |

Useful article

What is the role of technology behind perfumery?

What is the role of technology behind perfumery?

What is the role of technology behind perfumery?
What is the role of technology behind perfumery?

Art and science meet, in the world of aromatherapy, where it is revealed, by perfumery, the symphony of “the art of perfumery”. |

While the science of perfume: reveals the technology behind the manufacture of perfumes.|

It delves into the complex fabric of fragrance technology, providing insight into the chemical process that transforms aromatherapy scents into everlasting scents. |

The art of extracting perfumes:-

It begins with making perfumes, and extracting perfumes from their natural sources. |

It is steam distillation, an ancient method, which vaporizes aromatic compounds, captures their essence, in a complete dense spray and

 later cools it, separating it into essential oil and flower water hydrolase. . |

Solvent extraction is permitted, using isolated volatile solvents with good odors that do not tolerate heat. |

Supercritical fluid extraction, the modern method, uses carbon dioxide under pressure as a solvent, which preserves the full spectrum of volatile compounds found in the source topic. |

Aromatic symphony:-

Complete mixing of samples, carefully extracted, to form a symphony of musical notes. |

The top notes, which are the first to appear upon application, provide a truly new explosion. |

The heart notes, the heart note, develop after the top notes dissipate, providing depth, and character. |

They create the base notes, the persistent backbone of the scent, the lasting and enriching impression. |

Perfume Science Chemistry:-

Fragrance chemists have a good understanding of the molecular structure, and chemical reactions, of fragrance molecules. |

They manipulate polarity and volatility to control scent release and longevity. |

Compositions such as musk and amber contribute to the longevity of the fragrance. |

Odors, i.e. the volatile molecules responsible for them, or olfactory sensations, are carefully selected and blended to arouse specific emotions or convey desired messages. |

Technology Engineering Aromatic Smell ::-

Advanced business techniques to improve the process of creating, developing and delivering fragrances. |

Performing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), chemical analysis and composition of aromas, which helps

 perfumers in controlling and characterizing molecules. |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is also used to design good and exciting

 fragrances, predict fragrance preferences, and innovative scent combinations. |

You can create devices that emit scent, using ultrasound, or atomizers, and experiment with aromatherapy and immersion in environments, from retail spaces to homes. |

The role of sustainability in the perfume industry:-

Sustainability has an important role in the perfume industry, as the perfume industry relies on contemporary sustainability, which reduces environmental impact, at all levels. |

Fully approved packaging, recyclable, ethically sourced ingredients, and environmentally friendly extraction methods, i.e. preserving the perfume's natural resources and enhancing the production process. |

Science perfumes:-

That reveals the underlying technology
Behind the Perfumery Industry He obtained a certificate of the

 complex interaction between art and science that brings life to the world of perfumes. |

Through careful extraction of essences, harmonious blending of scents, advanced chemistry, and innovative techniques, where

 perfumers orchestrate a symphony of smell, it captivates our senses and leaves a lasting legacy in the memory of the perfume used. |

Useful article

Why launch on Perfumes That she is charming

Why launch on Perfumes That she is charming

Why launch on Perfumes That she is charming
Why launch on Perfumes That she is charming

Why launch on Perfumes That she is charming

Perfumes the witch It is the strangest stomach ingredients These are the perfumes he uses The wealthy So be beautiful, sexy and charming : ||

Perfumes the witch she word divorce on Perfumes Dear . ||

or on Perfumes Natural the most wanted . ||

Why launch on Perfumes That she is charming . ||

start Senses in Vision The things or Touch it or Smell it .

then He translates it Mind And he sends His signals Once Other . ||

after Analyze it And unscrew Its symbols to Human ,

For tariff on her and on Bezel aversion or interest

self Humanity Ptk The things . ||

So We took Perfumes For example Exclusive .

-Which _ We find it Depends on sense smelling And taste olfactory Her , and that self Humanity , always You talk on Perfumes That she is Exciting , or Attractive And a witch no Resist ,. ||

And from then Begins Mind in send His signals to rest senses self Humanity . ||

With that Logarithms And Symbols that Store it The mind .

That she is arousing And attractive And a witch And romantic . ||

So he gets up Mind By sending His message That sense smelling For this Perfume . ||

to bear in Its content Aversion or admissions And the excitement . ||

- And it begins That Stimuli By moving to rest Members Physical . ||

To get to know On her soul Humanity . ||

on Bezel impact Exciters scent Perfume on Human , and what that Signs Indicator Mental depressing she has . ||

Many from the words And the letters on Perfumes that it charming . ||

- He sends Signal to Alarm clocks the body And to The eyes , that He turns around look to That Odor Aromatic . ||

that maybe no See With the eye Abstract , . ||

- But he It arrives to her Its content To understand the eyes language Perfumes . ||

- Such as Controlled That Signs on The senses . ||

and on all Members Physical . ||

until no Could you self Humanity resistance That Signals and their spread in picture Beam maybe He is not man , but this The beam He depends on sense Smell . ||

And taste Odor To be issued for whom Turn it around ?

Excitement And romance And he breaks in heart And think Forum . ||

- like Magic So he makes it no Can Resistance . ||

or Thinking in not That Excitement And romance . ||

So a launch on Perfumes That she is charming . ||

Perfumes the witch

from then Move to the heart To make you feel : With strokes from Pulse on not The usual . ||

- then Move Beam Perfume To send Signal that He received her . ||

from Mind to Hands To touch or to Feet To move Toward :

That Odor Aromatic stunts . ||

- Without Control any from Members or Without will in :

to forbid sense the nose from smelling For scents stunts for him . ||

- Such as It turns That Signs to power Magic . ||

It is difficult on self Humanity Resistance ,? _

So it becomes from during that Perfumes the witch ?

For all Feelings And feelings The kind one . ||

- So Exploit The lovers That Radiation Aromatic .. . To invade hearts Lovers ||

So he gets up Men Wearing better Species Perfumes . ||

until Reflected That Signs To take control on hearts Women . ||
With her magic And from then Attract Fans Ptk Odor . ||

And it depends Women on This is amazing Roads Magical The mysterious . ||

on Species from Perfumes To attract Men to her .
or in order to Possess heart Her lover . ||

from during Her perfumes Favorite or With what he is called Perfumes the witch . ||

This is why it is released on Perfumes That she is A witch .||


Is burning incense a sacred religious act in Israel?

Is burning incense a sacred religious act in Israel?

Is burning incense a sacred religious act in Israel?
Is burning incense a sacred religious act in Israel?

to express Use it Egyptians The ancients a lot . |

that Gods Love Smells Kindness.|

And it was burn Incense from Most important aspects Egyptian worship . |

And because Egyptians they were They think that Their gods Close to them, they were They burn Ash all day , on Massacres

 Their temples And in their homes, until They usually, Incense was burned, before start Their projects Commercial . |

And placing incense in front of the doors of their shops and establishments.|

Incense: -

Incense : He is scent smoking , something Burnt with an aromatic smell, or The thing It is made for this purpose . |

Incense made from Resins Self Odor Sweet and fragrant that Come from Trees designated for incense . |

And often what Taking incense, And they grind it They mix it up with Spices , or Bark or The flowers, And they get on Odor that They want it . |

And in view For a lot the demand on tobacco, had become commodity Self value big , And I became Its products from more Goods A request , in Ages Old . |

And it was Many from Merchants , Working on Bring it to the countries Far away . |

You may remember that the Prophet Joseph, one of Jacob's younger sons, sold him to the merchants, Abu Ishmael, who

 “came out of Gilead, and filled him with incense and myrrh, and they brought him to Egypt”

no doubt that it Due For popularity incense, I became Roads that He takes it Merchants To bring it more crowded, Than led to commerce between Asia , And Europe . |

in Israel Old , He was burn Incense Sunday Most important mission that get up With it Priests , in tent the meeting . |

Mentionsed Sunday Books “ No. ” Bad that Jews Consider burn Incense In practice Religiously or until Holy, Because we no We read in any place on use it, in any place , unless in the prayer . |

did not It is not there but four Species from Incense that Command Jehovah God By mixing it up , and put it on The altar.|

He said : Take it Incense , and flour, And the shahla And the milkmaid, And mix Incense With flour The good By an amount the weight . |

And mix it with incense experts, And mix it With salt To become Pure . |

He says Scientists that it after that She was there Things Other came My teachers Islamic Law Jews , to add it to Incense Presenter in the structure . |

And it was Incense that He was Burn on Altar pure, no Uses unless in worship God . |

And he gave God Commandment She says : kindle Incense , no to bear Mixed with it . |

It will be done Your submission to Lord .. |

And with that , did not Be all This is amazing matters You satisfy God . |

lhave Punish People Whose They are not Priests And who committed Sins because of Pride . |

And when I cursed Nation Judaism, Jehovah And I worshiped Gods falsehood, And it was shed the blood , did not Ease Jehovah With his pain . |

Their hypocrisy make Jehovah He says : “ An abomination for me Incense ” ( Isaiah 1:13 , 15). |

anger The Israelis if did not They continue , in interest With things associated , with worship Jehovah, until that they Close the structure And they went To burn Ash on Massacres Other .|

And after passage some the time, They started in burn Gods pseudo, With ashes white .|

that Covenant Islamic Law, With what in that the covenant that He was imposes on Priests that They burn Incense sacred, may

 be Get slimmer in 33 years ago birth, when seem The messiah the covenant the new .|

And with what that Incense He was Uses in worship Idols in that the time, It is not from Surprisingly that Christians Top , did not They can until from Sell it . |

And from between Peoples Asia , there Many from Families that You go to , the temple To put Ash , on Massacres Local , or until

 on Massacres their homes, They want glorification Their gods , and give Comforts The good one For the dead . |

in Celebrations religious, It was completed Use Incense on Domain wide ;|

no Still a lot from the people, until Those Whose no religion for them, They defend on ritual burn Ashes . |

until that some the people They have Their ribs To help them on Thinking . |

there book He says that it with regards For the person that He wants to go to world Else " and " own strong not Normal " , The

 The performance With something the correct , maybe that Help him . |

And added that ritual wash Bones , Aims to make Human , Communicates With " objects Superhero for nature " ,|

Than maybe that Help him , in finding Solution For his problems . |

Do Christians The real ones , all what in Expand them To avoid all what Regard With religion Falsehood , or Magic . | John 4:24.

And it has He thinks Human that Incense , Smell scent his house, Just To feel With its smell Kindness .|

He was burn Incense between Israelis, Symbolically suitable , To pray God The listener . | And for this the reason , he chanted David owner Psalm To Jehovah : |

" To straighten up my prayer Like incense before you ” - Psalm 141:2. |

with regards For the Israelis believers, He was burn Incense more , from merely ritual . |

So they prepared Incense Carefully , And they burned him as Their command God . |

And it was incense, that He was Burn in tent the meeting , in the structure Holy .|

Is Israel really interested in sacred religious customs?
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Useful article.

How is dossari incense made ?

how Complete industry Incense Al-Dosari?

How is dossari incense made ?
How is dossari incense made ?

  Complete industry Incense Al-Dosari

how Make incense Al-Dosari ?

what she ingredients Incense The thing
And it varies road industry Incense from Type to last, as that it

And often what Make from Material Vegetarianism Aromatic Mixed With oils Aromatic
In ways And smells beautiful And innovative .

what he amounts a job Incense :

Different road to make Incense from Type to last where Make
most of it from Material Vegetarianism Mixture aromatic with Oils

Aromatic In ways And smells beautiful And innovative .
Methods industry Incense Al-Dosari :

there Many from Roads that maybe from During it to make incense Al-Dosari in the home

Methods a job Incense Al-Dosari :

And there Many from Roads that maybe from During it to make incense Al-Dosari in the home
- road a job Incense Al-Dosari With the oud And perfumes :

incense Al-Dosari Dhu Odor the beautiful He uses it a lot from People Especially brides, And it can workmanship in the home .
- road a job incense Al-Dosari With the oud And perfumes :

Uses incense Al-Dosari Dhu Odor the beautiful from before a lot
from the people Especially brides, And from Possible workmanship in the home
what she ingredients Incense Al-Dosari ?

How is dossari incense made ?

Ingredients : pestle Manual ( mortar ). a pot Of size Appropriate . Forceps .

can or jar To save Incense In which . vessel To dissolve Perfume Amber with Type from Species Perfumes . Colander .
what she ingredients a job incense Al-Dosari ..

Ingredients : Pestle Manual ( mortar ). a pot the size Appropriate .
Forceps . wallet or jar To store Incense with her . a pot To dissolve
Perfume Amber with Type from The good one . Colander .

4 kilos Oud high the quality . 4 kilos Screws . Quantity The correct one

from The good . can Perfume Haboush in which Complete Take 12 drops

from him . can Perfume wood Sandalwood the original . 3 cans rice
Perfume small the size Size palm Hand . Mistake

can Perfume . Two boxes from Perfume Dhu Odor the beautiful According to the desire .

Box Amber . 1-2 kilos Pass . 1.5 kilos incense Benzoin .
4 kilos from Oud Dhu the quality The high . 4 kilos from The nail .

amount Appropriate from The good one . maybe from Perfume Abyssinian

where be taken 12 drops of it . maybe from Perfume wood Sandalwood

Creative . 3 cans from scent Flower same the size a little In quantity
hand Palm . maybe Perfume Mestakawi . Two boxes Perfume Du

scent beautiful According to the desire . maybe Amber . 1-2 kilos from
Dates . 1.5 kilos from incense Benzoin .

How Preparation :

How is dossari incense made ?
Complete crush Oud Manually With mortar, And it is done Grinding 4 kg from him

Complete Grind it using pestle cardamom, as maybe Grind it in industry Perfumes

Shops because of Quantity The big one used . cleaning The nail from Perfume

And soak it in a pot It contains on solution water And salt, or water
And cloves, And leave it Soaked for 7 days, until Wash with it

Soap Questioner Daily; To be sure from Its cleanliness And leave it alone completely

Pieces And the fragments The relationship, then Dry it And put it under the sun, And leave it until Dry completely .
to equip The Road :

How is dossari incense made ?

Beats Motifs Oud Manually With mortar And quantity Grinding

4 kilos from him using pestle cardamom And it is possible Grind it

Existing in Stores Attar because of plenty Quantity used . cleaning

Victorious The good one And soaked in a pot It contains solution

from water And salt, or water And cloves, And he is left Soaked
Duration 7 days, in which Wash With soap Questioner Daily; To

verify from Its cleanliness completely And its emptiness from Pieces
And the fragments The relationship, then Dry And it is placed under

The sun rays, and he is left until completely dry .
The amount of Javanese incense, which is equivalent to 1.5 kilos, is

Crushed using a mortar to obtain a fine powder, and mixed with the
Ground agarwood in the first step well and set aside .

knock amount incense Benzoin that Equivalent to 1.5 kilograms
Using Mortar to get on powder smooth, and mix with Oud The

ground in Step The first well And it is placed Aside .
All the ingredients are mixed together, which includes the Habshush

perfume, the sandal perfume, the rose perfume box, the mistaki
perfume, and the other perfume chosen as desired, and the ambergris
A box that is the size of the palm of the hand is added to it .

Mix all the components together Which Includes Perfume Habshush
, And perfume Sandalwood, And a box of perfume Roses, And
perfume Al- Mustaqawi , And perfume The other the chosen

According to the desire, and it is added that she can Amber that Be
By an amount palm Hand .

Roast the nails in clean soil for at least two hours on a low heat until it dries, but taking care not to burn it .

Toast the nail in soil clean Duration Two hours at least on fire
Quiet until dry up But with Attention For not Heartburn, then Lifts

from Dirt by tongs with Verification from non Getting dirty And existence remains stuck with it ,

Then it is placed in the group of perfume directly. The dates are left
in the perfume for a week or more until they are imbibed, then they

They are removed and filtered with a mortar to soften, grind, and put
on top of the crushed agarwood . Pour the remaining ointment that

The zafoor has been soaked with over the fine oud mixture, and mixed

well either by hand or with a wooden spoon until a homogeneous dough is reached .

then It is placed in group The good one directly. And he left dates
In The good Duration one week or more until It imbibes from him ,

then It is removed And it is filtered With mortar To soften it And
grind it, And it is placed above group Oud The ground. Pour The

good one Residual that soak with it The nail above Mixture Oud
soft, And mix well As for By hand or With a spoon Wooden Until Access For dough Homogeneous .

Mix 1-2 kilos of dates with water to get date molasses, by cooking
the dates and rubbing them well to extract the juice, which is in the
form of a liquid and not of a thick and sticky texture .

Mix Amount of 1-2 kilos of dates with water to get on Molasses
dates, And that By cooking dates And rub it well For the extraction

The juicer from him, Which Be on appearance material Liquid And
it's not Self Texture sticky and thick .

Mix date molasses with ground agarwood in an appropriate amount
to get on Paste form definitely from Incense on road a job circles With it

to hand in . It is placed Incense in place good Ventilation And he leaves To rest

Two days, until Reach mechanism the sun, but no falling off on him directly; until no Check Its smell Kindness .

Mixture Molasses dates with Oud The ground In quantity suitable
to get on Paste And it was formed with her to cut from Incense Work circles

By hand . And it is placed Incense in place good Ventilation And he leaves

Duration Two days, maybe Reach In both of them mechanism the sun

but no You dominate on him in a way directly; until no loses Its smell

Complete storage Incense The resulting in a pot Appropriate To save it And use it when the need .
storage Incense The resulting maybe Save it And use it when the need .

- road a job incense Al-Dosari Blended With oil Aromatic :
Incense Al-Dosari Blended With oils Aromatic And wood Oud Make in the home

- road industry incense Al-Dosari Blended With oil Aromatic :
- to make incense Al-Dosari Blended With oils Aromatic And the

 oud in the home
- the components :
amount from oil Oud
-. 20 grams from oil Oud Al-Dosari Heavy what Equivalent amount

 Mixture the oil Aromatic in the end
-. oil Perfume Roses Dutch
-. 2 grams oil Saffron Indian
-. mixing bowl. 4 grams of amber. 10 grams of oil, which is suitable

To work Maamoul .
bottle court Closure To store Incense Questioner The resulting .
the components :
- amount from fat Oud

-. 20 grams from oil wood Oud Al-Dosari Heavy in it fee
amount Mixture Oils Aromatic The resulting in the end
-. oil Perfume Roses Dutch

-. 2 grams from oil Saffron Indian
-. a pot For mixing . 4 grams from Amber . 10 grams from the oil that Repair To work Maamoul .
- Close bottle The court To save Incense Questioner The resulting .

- road Preparation :

Put 2 grams from oil Roses Dutch Dhu Odor The strong one in a pot .
- Add 4 grams from Amber to The bowl .

Mix it well with oil Roses Dutch .
Add 4 grams from oil Saffron Indian to Oils Previous And mix them well .

Add 10 grams from oil the food that There is in it
Maamoul . to Oils the basic
- to equip The Road :
- Put 2 grams from oil Roses Dutch Dhu Odor The strong one in a pot .

- added Amount of 4 grams from Amber to the bowl,
- And mix with oil Roses Dutch well .
- added Amount of 4 grams from oil Saffron Indian to Oils Previous
And mix with her well . Add 10 grams from the oil for food that He makes it

And treated . For oils Aromatic
Mix it with her in which Be amount Mixture Oils Resulting
what Equivalent to 20 grams . Get up Mix 20 grams from oil Oud Al-Dosari

with Mixture Oils Aromatic to get on incense Al-Dosari The questioner . the

Complete fill Incense Questioner The resulting in bottle court Closing And save Until Use it when the need .

And mix with her To become amount Mix Oils Resulting
what Equivalent to 20 grams . 20 grams mixture from oil wood Oud

Al-Dosari with joke Oils Aromatic to get on Incense Al-Dosari
The questioner . Package Incense Questioner Resulting on court The bottle

Close And save Until the use when the need .